
Ahhh the joys of everyday life…we are busy and by busy I mean hello can we please stop for a breather?Soccer with two lil boys keeps you hopping.Practices on different days games at different times.The boys are growing o how fast they are growing.We are happy to be in spring because Tristin has grown so tall his pants no longer fit him.Im jealous hehe I want to be tall…but those long legs of his never stop.Braidi is still Braidi.This young child of mine keeps everyone laughing he had his first little play and everyone in the crowd came up to us afterwards commenting on how comical it was..lil boy has some crazy dance skills.So thats a lil update from a mommy on the run,yes we are still breathing we are just waiting for a break…

Time flies…

Oh this momma has been bad…what can I say its been a long winter.Lets start with boys update and go from there.Braidi you started preschool and have a love for everything related to school.The stories you tell me after school are the highlight of my day.You continue to grow in leaps and bounds.This will be the first season you are signed up for soccer so between you and your big brother we will be living at the soccer fields…

Tristin first grade has been another great year for you…You are staying steady with A’s,however the one thing your teacher pointed out was you are your own worse critic.You are to hard on yourself lil man its ok to make mistakes thats how we learn so slow down.You love reading and everynight reading with you is a special experience.

The mover never had to happen…we got lucky and Jason ended up with a great job only 7 miles from home.On the Cancer fron I had another scan WHEW still clean a couple more slipped disc and muscle spasms but hey I will take that over Cancer any day….

Inner reflections…

I really have a hard time with winter.I love the snow dont get me wrong,but I reach a point when I just need to feel the sun.Feel it on my face warming up my joints.I get tired of the cold,the nakedness that comes along with winter.The being confined in the same place for long periods of time literally makes me climb the walls.So today I self diagnosed myself..its called winter blahs…please let me survive it.Because change is in the air at the Ty house and I see it coming faster and faster.Making my brain spiral out of control.Its a change that takes me away from my comfort zone.Takes me away from all I have ever known.If it happens it will be a good change for many reasons,but it also leaves my lil family all alone in a life boat by ourselves.And it scares the crap out of me.But for him and a better future for our family I will take Xan*x pull on the big girl panties ,and put a smile on my face…

Welcome to our town…

Hi..and welcome to Ohio

I’m joining Shannon on her around the world in eighty blogs.So I thought what the heck challenges can be fun so here we go…

Alot can be said about our little town.We are considered a tourist town in Summer.People come from all over to see  the sternwheel boats lining up along the bank of the river.Marietta comes with alot of old buildings that have turned into cute shops that you can walk through on your way to view our river.The views from the old train bridge can be amazing,but if train bridges arent your thing you can view the river from the many parks that sit along the river.While here you should view our little museum to learn all about our history.The Campus Martius is a cute little museum that also sits along the river.Are you getting the picture yet lol..our whole town is surrounded by the rivers that border us..So now I will leave you with some of our breathtaking views that you can see if you ever want to visit us…

So my thoughts on living in this town.My likes are lower crime rates,smaller schools,we have nice parks and great views,my family all lives here and we are close so that makes it nice.Some of the dislikes include how bad the traffic can be in the summer when everyone wants to pay visit,they shut our downtown down for festivals we have during the summer and its a real mess,when I had my surgery on my brain and spine to remove a cancerous tumor we had to drive two hours away to a good hospital to have the procedure done.After several days in the hospital and coming home with nineteen staples in my head that two hours was the longest of my life.Its nice that we are a friendly community it sucks that we dont have alot of the different choices for restaurants that bigger cities have.What can I say I love food and get excited about trip away just for food choices lol.Shopping can also be a drawback we have a mall,but not as many stores as bigger cities.Being built around rivers can be bad in times of alot of rain…A few years ago it rained so bad our schools flooded,downtown flooded,you couldnt get anywhere unless you had a rowboat it was crazy people lost so much and we lost alot of our mom and pop establishments because the funds werent their to rebuild.I was happy at that time that we lived on a huge hill that just overloooked the river.Anyways thanks for visiting with us we hope to see you again soon..

btw:I cheated on photos the only one thats mine is my family photo I havent felt good the past couple days…

Sometimes its a matter of stepping back.Its taking a moment to breathe.Remembering that you are still here for a reason.Its putting one foot in front of another.Looking at your family and feeling the love.Its all these things that help me keep the panic at bay.In a couple months we will be doing another cancer scan.They will be strapping my head into the brain gear to make sure my brain is still free from cancer,scanning my spine yet again to make sure it is still all clear.I hate that word.The C word has literally almost ruined my life and ended it depending on how you look at it.Instead of springing into the thirties I shrunk into a former shell of myself.People try to figure out how I can joke about it..well sometimes its a matter of joking instead of crying.I look in the mirror and try to figure out the woman standing before me.Who is she?What in the world happened to her?And thats when I step back,I inhale and exhale.And remind myself of what I have overcome from the strength that I do have.I kiss my boys and cuddle with my husband.I grab the little mirror and hold it in front of my face in front of the big mirror and instead of gasping at that horrible scar I am going to show it proudly as a sign of courage,strength ,and bravery.

my badge of strength and bravery...

Our furry addition….

A moment..

A few weeks ago I caught you by your little arms..What do you have all over your face Braidi??As I held onto you and tried to wash your face.You looked at me with the seriousness of a little old man”I’m covered in mommy kisses” was your quick reply..Yes my lil man and dont forget it you guys will always be covered in mommy kisses…

O how you grow….

Braidi three days..Tristin two years



it feels like yesterday I looked at these lil hands in wonder.Now I stand here in awe at the men you are becoming.How is this possible?Where has the time went.I still get up through the night and feel your chest to make sure you are still breathing,every little bump over the monitor sends this mommy running.I cant believe you are five and seven.I look at you both and see so much of your dad and I in you that it astounds me.If I had one wish for the both of you it would be that you stay as innocent as you are for as long as possible.Its a tough world out there boys and I dont want you to know how bad it is for as long as possible.So lets slow down ok…growing up isnt as fun as it sounds….love always


Not an easy number…


first baseball game...


Dear Braidi,

wow five today lil man..no longer a baby or preschooler.It’s a hard number for any mommy.You grow so much everyday and everyday it is a new adventure with you in our lives.The lil glint that spells trouble is still in your eyes and we wouldnt change a thing.Your our silly child,quick to smile and share your dimples,and quick to conspire with your brother over ways to make everyone laugh.You are still such a cuddely lil boy and still want to be on your mommas lap.You amaze me everyday with your games of pretend and the things you build with your blocks.We love you lil man try to slow down ok?As mommy types this the tears roll down my face over how fast you are growing and how blessed we are to have you.Happy Birthday Braidi xoxo…

love mommy

Things that come with age…

As another birthday creeps closer (October 1) I’m trying to figure out things that I continue to learn.You really have to learn to love yourself..to give yourself completely in a relationship you need to learn to do this first.Maybe thats where I have always went wrong.I’ve never learned to fully love myself.I am my worse critic.My weight,personality,looks you name it I am hard on myself about it.I cant help it…it stems from the childhood that didnt feel like much of one because of the man that raised me.But we can save that story another day,lets put it this way I never did anything right in his eyes thats why we dont have a relaionship and never will.If time heals all wounds why is it mine always feel raw and wide open.Why do I keep waiting on the other shoe to drop.My butt,boobs and everything else no longer feel like they are in the same location as they where in my twenties.I see tired eyes and laugh lines.I see scars that werent there before,but am now stuck with.I worry everyday about the boys I brought into the world.Thanks to surgery I now have arthritis and my joints swell and pop.When people leave I tell them how much they are loved because you dont know if it will be the last.I worry about aging and getting older now.Different colored hairs keep popping up at random.I worry about the future of the USA something I never really worried to much about.It all feels like a worry game now…but the Cancer I think leads the pack will it come back??Our futures are mapped out before we are born so I guess time will tell,but hey atleast I made it through 30 now lets see about 31